Call for papers: Special Issue on Software Engineering for Games
The Foundations of Applied Software Engineering for Games workshop (FASE4Games) aims to share innovative research contributions in software-engineering methods that address the current challenges in game development, including entertainment games, serious games, and gamified applications. This special issue provides an opportunity to submit extended versions of accepted papers from any edition of the FASE workshop.
Aims and Scope
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Artificial intelligence for software engineering applied to games.
- Software engineering for artificial intelligence in games.
- Debugging and fault localization applied to games.
- Distributed and collaborative software engineering for game development.
- Empirical software engineering applied to games.
- Human and social aspects of software engineering in game development.
- Human-computer interaction in games.
- Mining software repositories for game development insights.
- Mobile game development.
- Model-driven engineering applied to games.
- Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems in games.
- Performance engineering for games.
- Program analysis for games.
- Program comprehension in game development.
- Program repair in games.
- Programming languages for game development.
- Recommendation systems in games.
- Requirements engineering for games.
- Search-based software engineering applied to games.
- Services, components, and cloud in game development.
- Software architectures for games.
- Software engineering education using games.
- Software evolution in game development.
- Software processes for games.
- Software testing for games.
- Tools and environments for game development.
- Debugging for games.
- Software Quality for games.
- Game design/requirements engineering in games.
Open date: May 1st, 2025 (after the workshop camera-ready)
Deadline: September 30th, 2025 (5 months total)
How to Submit
Submission link:
As of Dec 2024, the following two special rules will apply.
(1) Submissions are no longer allowed, generated from Msword (submit pdfs generated from the Springer Latex template files). For authors unfamilar with Latex, we use and recommend the on-line tool
(2) Use of the NASA data sets from the 1990s (PC1, JM1, etc) is no longer acceptable. Please use tools like (e.g.) CommitGuru to mine (e.g.) Github to find data.
Guest Editors
- Cristiano Politowski, Ontario Tech University
- Jessie Galasso, McGill University
- Fabio Petrillo, École de Technologie Supérieure
- Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Concordia University