Special Issues

ASE Journal welcomes proposals for guest edited special issues. If you wish to propose a special issue, please first contact one of the associate editors to review your proposal, provide feedback, and be willing to support your special issue proposal for consideration by the Editorial Board. Please see our list of AEs at https://link.springer.com/journal/10515/editors. Please contact one of them directly, ideally someone who works in the area of your special issue proposal.

Special issue proposals should

  • be clearly in the scope of the ASE journal - https://link.springer.com/journal/10515/aims-and-scope
  • demonstrate promise in attracting a good range of submissions to the special issue
  • allow a range of submission types e.g. full research paper, short research paper, review paper, tool paper, vision paper etc.
  • provide an avenue for publication of strong research contributions within the special issue theme that otherwise currently might not have a suitable venue

Only proposals certified by one of the members of the associate editorial board will be considered for a special issue of the journal.

For more information on ASE special issues, please contact the special isses deputy editor, Prof. Justyna Petke: j.petke@ucl.ac.uk