Call for papers, Advances in Mobile App Analysis and Systems

The Special Issue on Advances in Mobile App Analysis and Systems in the ASE Journal (ASEJ) aims at bringing together international researchers and practitioners in the field of mobile app analysis and mobile systems to present and discuss emerging advanced techniques. To this end, we will welcome original articles on every aspect related to mobile apps analysis and mobile systems.


Areas of interest include but are not restricted to:

  • Security and Privacy analysis of Mobile Apps and Systems
  • Energy and Performance Analysis of Mobile Apps and Systems
  • Evolution and Trend Analysis of Mobile Apps and Systems
  • Variants Analysis of Mobile Apps and Systems
  • Quality Analysis of Mobile Apps and Systems
  • Mobile Malware Analysis
  • Mobile Ads Analysis
  • Mobile App Developments
  • Automated Testing Technologies and Approaches
  • Mining App Repositories
  • AI-based Mobile App Analysis
  • LLM-enabled Mobile App Analysis

How to Submit

Papers should be submitted via Springer’s website:


  • Opening date for the call: 1 September 2024
  • Deadline: 31 March 2025

Guest editors

  • Guozhu Meng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Xiao Chen (University of Newcastle, Australia)
  • Ting Su (East China Normal University, China)
  • Jacques Klein (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
  • Sam Malek (University of California, Irvine)
  • Linghui Luo (Amazon)
  • Li Li (Beihang University, China)