Call for papers, Special issue on virtual and augmented reality software engineering

VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) are emerging techniques with promising applications. Major IT companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple all have essential investment in the area, and Facebook even have changed its name to Meta to focus on metaverse, a concept technically largely depends on virtual reality. As VR/AR platforms such as Unity, Google ARCore, Apple ARKit, and Meta for Developers are getting more and more popular, thousands of apps have been developed to explore various VR/AR applications such as gaming, education, remote communication, computer-aided operation, etc. VR/AR software development has a lot of special concerns, such as graphics design and performance optimization, management of 3D assets, testing constraints in physical world (for AR apps), and additional privacy protection (e.g., tackling leak of head and body movement information from VR/AR devices). Meanwhile, VR/AR can be adopted as an important technique to support software engineering practices that are not possible in traditional 2D interfaces. For example, 3D visualization of code and project workspace may largely enhance software productivity. In this special issue of Automated Software Engineering Journal, we call for papers from both industry and academia to mutually advance the state of the art and practice in this area, and we expect the special issue to serve as a platform for readers to understand the current research progress in VR/AR software engineering.


Areas of interest include but are not restricted to:

  • Modeling and abstraction of VR/AR software
  • Testing and maintenance of VR/AR software
  • Performance measurement and optimization of VR/AR software
  • Program analysis and verification of VR/AR software
  • Security and privacy concerns in VR/AR software
  • Mining VR/AR software and software repositories and creation of dataset
  • Empirical studies on VR/AR software development process and products
  • VR/AR-based IDEs and coding tools
  • User studies of VR/AR-based software development techniques
  • VR/AR-based software visualization

How to Submit

Papers should be submitted via Springer’s website:


  • Opening date for the call: 15 September 2024
  • Deadline: 15 December 2024

Guest editors

  • Xiaoyin Wang, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
  • Sen He, University of Arizona, USA
  • Foyzul Hassan, University of Michigan-Deanborn, USA