Call for papers, Automated Program Repair, 2025

The Special Issue on Automated Program Repair in the ASE Journal (ASEJ) aims attract researchers, practitioners, and educators from various communities including software engineering, artificial intelligence, programming languages, and formal methods. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in research on automated program repair, leading to successful industrial deployments. Notably, recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have had a significant impact. Despite these considerable strides, automated program repair continues to face fundamental technological and societal challenges. The Special Issue on Automated Program Repair will create an opportunity for the research community to coordinate its effort for addressing these challenges, explore innovative ideas, and formulate an agenda for future research.

This issue will explore topics related but not limited to:

  • Large language models for fixing bugs
  • Automatically resolving GitHub issues
  • Quality of automatically generated patches, overfitting analysis
  • Scalability of program repair algorithms
  • Repair of domain-specific bugs
  • Applications of program repair
  • Deployment of program repair
  • Case studies on program repair
  • Program repair tools
  • Program repair benchmarks
  • Program analysis analysis for program repair
  • Testing and verification for program repair
  • Fault localization for program repair

This issue is done in coordination with the International Workshop on Automated Program Repair (APR) 2025. In the workshop round, the authors will submit papers to HotCRP ( Each accepted submission must be accompanied by a registration of at least one author and presented at APR 2025. The selected best papers from the APR workshop will be invited to submit their revisions to the Automated Software Engineering journal. Note that only the full papers (not short position papers) will be considered for publication in the journal. The authors should carefully address the comments from the workshop reviewers and prepare a detailed response letter. The revised papers will be reviewed by the same reviewers.


Workshop Round Submission Due: 11 November 2024

Journal Round Submission Due: 1 February 2025

How to Submit

This is a closed call only for the participants of the APR workshop, and we do not allow new submission for the journal round. Submission link:

As of Dec 2024, the following two special rules will apply.
(1) Submissions are no longer allowed, generated from Msword (submit pdfs generated from the Springer Latex template files). For authors unfamilar with Latex, we use and recommend the on-line tool
(2) Use of the NASA data sets from the 1990s (PC1, JM1, etc) is no longer acceptable. Please use tools like (e.g.) CommitGuru to mine (e.g.) Github to find data.


Sergey Mechtaev, University College London,

He Ye, Carnegie Mellon University

Shin Hwei Tan, Concordia University